Delivery conditions Fitmart GmbH & Co KG
1. Scope
The regulations stated in the terms and conditions of delivery govern the smooth, logistical process between Fitmart GmbH & Co KG and its suppliers. The terms and conditions describe the principles of transport, packaging and labeling regulations.
2. Delivery
2.1. Delivery address/times
We have the following delivery addresses. On orders, the postal delivery address to be complied with for the respective process is listed.
Delivery address | Receipt of goods |
Fitmart GmbH & Co. KG Kirchenweg 7 24568 Nützen Germany | Monday - Friday 06:30 a.m. to 04:00 p.m. Contact: 0176 18303174 (Patrick Hitzenpichler) 0151 54214853 (Sven Chilcott) 0151 20947994 (Lasse Finnern) E-mail notification: |
The delivery must take place within the goods acceptance times. In the event of a high volume, announced dates can be postponed. Here you will receive at least one working day/24 hours before delivery a written rejection of the delivery with the assignment of a new date.
2.2. Delivery information
Rear unloading with forklift or electric pallet truck
Discharge from the side is not possible. When goods are received, only the number of delivered pallets, cartons, etc. and the external integrity of the shipping package can be acknowledged. Damage to the goods upon delivery must be confirmed by the driver on the delivery note.
2.3. ASNs/Certificates
Notifications, delivery notes and customs documents at least 2 days/48 hours before delivery by e-mail to:
Information on shipping notifications:
Sender and customer
PO/Order Number
Number of pallets
Description of goods
Shipping Date/Delivery Date/Time
Delivery note
2.4. Pallet exchange
As a matter of principle, deliveries should be made on exchangeable and undamaged Euro pallets, basic dimensions of 1200 × 800 × 144 mm (length x width x height) of quality class A or B. Only exchangeable standard Euro pallets can be exchanged in accordance with the specifications of the European Pallet Association (EPAL). The supplier must ensure that he is able to accept the exchange pallets upon delivery.
2.5. Pure delivery
Packaging units are to be delivered by type. It is not allowed that several items are packed mixed in one delivery unit. Each packaging unit must be clearly visible from the outside on both front sides with an EAN code, article number, batch, quantity of the packaging unit and individual weight per article in grams. In the event of a change in quantities in a packaging unit, this information must be clearly visible on the pallet and the packaging unit. The individual products must all have an EAN code (GTIN).
3. Delivery note
Upon delivery, a delivery note should be enclosed with the following information, if possible:
Supplier and address
Shipment date/delivery date
Orderer, order date
Order number
Number of pieces and quantity, total number of pallets
Product description, EAN code
Best before date/batch
4. Assembly of the pallets
4.1. The delivery should be made on exchangeable and undamaged Euro pallets, basic dimensions 1200 × 800 × 144 mm (length x width x height). The stacking pattern of a pallet must be flat and, if possible, at the same height to allow the pallets to be stacked. This is especially true for quantities over 33 pallets. The maximum height of a pallet is 1.45 m. The weight here should not exceed 1000 kg.
4.2. Pallet units must be packed in such a way as to ensure that they are delivered in perfect condition.
4.3. Mixing of several orders on one pallet is not permitted. Except for the use of collars to separate the individual orders.
4.4. As a matter of principle, care must be taken to ensure that the quality of the parts is not damaged by weight or type of loading/packaging.
4.5. The pallets must not be wrapped with black film.
5. Deviations/Reservation of acceptance
Deviations can be determined in advance on a case-by-case basis. In principle, however, these are associated with a considerable additional effort in incoming goods. Therefore, Fitmart GmbH & Co. KG reserves the right to refuse to accept the goods.